Gramazio Kohler Research
Offene Stellen
Kernfach FS
Entwurf V-IX FS
Wahlfach FS
Grundlagenfach HS/FS
MAS DFAB: #caschlatsch
Entwurf V-IX HS
Kernfach HS
Wahlfach HS
Seminarwoche 1 HS
Seminarwoche 2 HS
Kernfach FS
Grundlagenfach HS/FS
Entwurf V-IX FS
Wahlfach FS
Entwurf V-IX HS
Wahlfach HS
Kernfach HS
Seminarwoche HS
Wahlfach FS
Vertiefung Fachwissen FS
Grundlagenfach HS/FS
Entwurf V-IX FS
Seminarwoche FS
Kernfach HS
Entwurf V-IX HS
Wahlfach HS
Seminarwoche HS
MAS DFAB: Eggshell Pavilion
Kernfach FS
Seminarwoche FS
Kernfach HS
Seminarwoche HS
Workshop USA
Kernfach FS
Kernfach HS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations II
Kernfach FS
Seminarwoche FS20
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations I
Kernfach HS
Robotic Landscapes III
MAS DFAB: Up Sticks
Seminarwoche HS
Kernfach FS
Seminarwoche FS19
Kernfach HS
Entwurfsstudio HS
Rapid Clay Formations
Zero-Waste Geometry
Seminarwoche HS
ROB|ARCH Workshop
MAS DFAB: Gradual Assemblies
Kernfach FS
Robotic Landscapes I
Malleable Voxels
MAS DFAB: minijammed
Seminarwoche HS
MAS DFAB: Brick Labyrinth
MAS DFAB: Robotic Pavilion
Force-adaptive Wire Cutting
Spatial Extrusions 2
Spatial Extrusions
Graded Structures 2
Graded Structures
Robotic Wire Cutting Summerschool
Spatial Wire Cutting
Extruded Structures
Remote Material Deposition Installation
Remote Material Deposition
Depth Modulations 2
Design of Robotic Fabricated High Rises 2
Depth Modulations
Complex Timber Structures 2
Complex Timber Structures 1
Robotic Metal Aggregations
Shifted Frames 2
Design of Robotic Fabricated High Rises 1
Shifted Frames 1
Spatial Aggregations 2
Spatial Aggregations 1
Robotic Clay Molding
Die fragile Struktur 2
Die fragile Struktur 1
Prozedurale Landschaften 2
Prozedurale Landschaften 1
Seminar Week FS11
Die Verzahnung 2
Die Verzahnung 1
Das sequentielle Tragwerk 2
Das sequentielle Tragwerk 1
Explicit Bricks
Die programmierte Säule 2
Die programmierte Säule 1
Freilicht Theater
Voxels 2
Voxels 1
Die Wandöffnung 2
Die Wandöffnung 1
Die sequenzielle Wand 2
Die sequenzielle Wand 1
Der Schaum
Die fraktale Wand
Die aufgelöste Wand
Seminar Week
Die perforierte Wand 2
Die perforierte Wand 1
Die programmierte Wand
Das schiefe Loch

Up Sticks, Dundee, 2019
‘Up-Sticks’ is an informal turn of phrase dating back to at least the 19th Century to express leaving your home in haste. It is thought to originate from the rough cut, unseasoned timber frame architecture of the Scottish croft designed for temporary occupation. These sticks from which the croft was partly fabricated were of great value and were taken and reused when the household moved on.

V&A Dundee commissioned Gramazio Kohler Research, the Chair for Architecture and Digital Fabrication at ETH Zurich, and their students from the Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Digital Fabrication MAS DFAB programme to revisit traditional Scottish construction methods and to combine it with their expertise in computational design and robotic fabrication. The result is Up-Sticks, an expressive timber structure that twists and curves using only spruce wood planks and beech wood dowels. No glue or nails were used to hold the planks in space; it is the hygroscopic behaviour of the dowels, which shrink and swell according to their moisture content, and their computationally defined position that lock all planks into position. Up-Sticks was assembled from large elements all prefabricated in the Robotic Fabrication Laboratory at ETH Zurich, the largest of its kind in the world. This facility allowed for a collaborative robotic fabrication process where one robotic arm prepared the planks by drilling oriented holes for all dowels at bespoke angles, while the second robot picked, placed and supported the planks during the manual insertion of the dried dowels. With limited resources of our planet, Up-Sticks presents a strategy of how contemporary knowledge in computation and digital fabrication technology can be combined with traditional knowledge about construction methods in order to innovate the construction sector.

Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zürich

Mitarbeiter: Hannes Mayer (MAS Programmdirektor), David Jenny (Projektleitung), Jesús Medina
Studenten: Antonio Barney, Aya Shaker Ali, Chaoyu Du, Eleni Skevaki, Jonas Van den Bulcke, Keerthana Udaykumar, Nicolas Feihl, Nik Eftekhar Olivo, Noor Khader, Rahul Girish, Sofia Michopoulou, Ying-Shiuan Chen, Yoana Taseva, Yuta Akizuki, Wenqian Yang
Support: Mike Lyrenmann und Philippe Fleischmann (Robotic Fabrication Laboratory)

Up Sticks was commisssioned by V&A Dundee and realised in partnership with Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich

Copyright 2024, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gramazio Kohler Research
Professur für Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation
ETH Zürich HIB E 43
Stefano-Franscini Platz 1 / CH-8093 Zürich

+41 44 633 49 06
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