Gramazio Kohler Research
Open Positions
Architectural Design V-IX AS
MAS DFAB: #caschlatsch
Core Course SS
Basic Course AS/SS
Architectural Design V-IX SS
Elective Course SS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
Elective Course AS
Core Course AS
Seminar Week AS
Elective Course SS
Subject Specialisation SS
Computational Design III-IV
Architectural Design V-IX SS
Seminar Week FS
Core Course AS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
Elective course HS22
Seminar Week AS
MAS DFAB: Eggshell Pavilion
Core Course SS
Seminar Week SS
Core Course AS
Seminar Week AS
Workshop USA
Core Course SS
Core Course AS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations II
Core Course SS
Seminar Week SS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations (Rio)
Core Course AS
Robotic Landscapes III
MAS DFAB: Up Sticks
Seminar Week AS19
Core Course SS
Seminar Week SS
Core Course AS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations
Zero-Waste Geometry
Seminar Week AS
ROB|ARCH 2018 Workshop
MAS DFAB: Gradual Assemblies
Core Course SS
Robotic Landscapes I
Malleable Voxels
MAS DFAB: minijammed
Seminar Week AS
MAS DFAB: Brick Labyrinth
MAS DFAB: Robotic Pavilion
Force-Adaptive Wire Cutting
Spatial Extrusions 2
Spatial Extrusions
Graded Structures 2
Graded Structures
Robotic Wire Cutting Summerschool
Spatial Wire Cutting
Extruded Structures
Remote Material Deposition Installation
Remote Material Deposition
Depth Modulations 2
Design of Robotic Fabricated High Rises 2
Depth Modulations
Complex Timber Structures 2
Complex Timber Structures 1
Robotic Metal Aggregations
Shifted Frames 2
Design of Robotic Fabricated High Rises 1
Shifted Frames 1
Spatial Aggregations 2
Spatial Aggregations 1
Robotic Clay Molding
The Fragile Structure 2
The Fragile Structure 1
Procedural Landscapes 2
Procedural Landscapes 1
Seminar Week
The Interlocking 2
The Interlocking 1
The Sequential Structure 2
The Sequential Structure 1
Explicit Bricks
The Programmed Column 2
The Programmed Column 1
Open Air Theater
Voxels 2
Voxels 1
The Opening 2
The Opening 1
The Sequential Wall 2
The Sequential Wall 1
The Foam
The Resolution Wall
Construction Hoarding
The Dissolved Wall
Domoterra Lounge
The Perforated Wall 2
The Perforated Wall 1
The Programmed Wall
The Oblique Hole

Gramazio Kohler Retrospective, Museum of Digital Art, Zurich, 2016-2017
The two professor architects Matthias Kohler and Fabio Gramazio caught international attention by building physical structures with algorithms, sensors and robots. The exhibition, developed in collaboration between the Museum of Digital Art and the ETH Zurich, showcases pivoting works of the duo as well as two robotic installations designed for this occasion. The four month exhibition negotiates the borders between science and art, shows how drones build walls, robots play with sand and styrofoam spheres defy gravity.

Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich

Client: Museum of Digital Art, Zurich
Collaborators: Esther Lombardini, Hannes Mayer (project lead), David Jenny, Matthias Helmreich, Adam Donovan, Stéphane de Weck, Katrin Hochschuh, Patrick Sibenaler, Sarah Schneider, Hansjürg und Margrit Fetzer, Marc Schwarz, Chenfan Zhu, Andreas Thoma, Michael Lyrenmann, Beat Ferrario, ims Industrial Micro Services GmbH, Romana Rust, Viola Zimmermann, Superform, Gonzálo Casas, Thodoris Kyttas, Roman Keller, Peter Leibundgut, Asier Marzo, Markus Haselbach, Effi Tanner, Marc Widmer, Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, Cristián Calvo Barentin, Moritz Begle, Jonas Buchli, Sven Hürlimann, Markus Pilz, Ryan Gaspar, Tom Kleiber, Fredi Zohar, Luca Callegari, Michael Volkart, Michael Hinderling, Air-View, Alexa Jeanne Kusber

Sponsors: Migros Kulturprozent, ITA (ETH Zürich), Jura-Cement-Fabriken AG, Vitra Design Museum, Loops & Bits, Baumuster-Centrale Zürich

Copyright 2024, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gramazio Kohler Research
Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication
ETH Zürich HIB E 43
Stefano-Franscini Platz 1 / CH-8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 49 06
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