Gramazio Kohler Research
Open Positions
Basic Course AS/SS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
Elective Course AS
Core Course AS
Elective Course AS
MAS DFAB: #caschlatsch
Seminarweek 1 HS
Seminarweek 2 HS
Core Course SS
Basic Course AS/SS
Architectural Design V-IX SS
Elective Course SS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
Elective Course AS
Core Course AS
Seminar Week AS
Elective Course SS
Subject Specialisation SS
Basic Course AS/SS
Architectural Design V-IX SS
Seminar Week FS
Core Course AS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
Elective course HS22
Seminar Week AS
MAS DFAB: Eggshell Pavilion
Core Course SS
Seminar Week SS
Core Course AS
Seminar Week AS
Workshop USA
Core Course SS
Core Course AS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations II
Core Course SS
Seminar Week SS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations (Rio)
Core Course AS
Robotic Landscapes III
MAS DFAB: Up Sticks
Seminar Week AS19
Core Course SS
Seminar Week SS
Core Course AS
Architectural Design V-IX AS
MAS DFAB: Rapid Clay Formations
Zero-Waste Geometry
Seminar Week AS
ROB|ARCH 2018 Workshop
MAS DFAB: Gradual Assemblies
Core Course SS
Robotic Landscapes I
Malleable Voxels
MAS DFAB: minijammed
Seminar Week AS
MAS DFAB: Brick Labyrinth
MAS DFAB: Robotic Pavilion
Force-Adaptive Wire Cutting
Spatial Extrusions 2
Spatial Extrusions
Graded Structures 2
Graded Structures
Robotic Wire Cutting Summerschool
Spatial Wire Cutting
Extruded Structures
Remote Material Deposition Installation
Remote Material Deposition
Depth Modulations 2
Design of Robotic Fabricated High Rises 2
Depth Modulations
Complex Timber Structures 2
Complex Timber Structures 1
Robotic Metal Aggregations
Shifted Frames 2
Design of Robotic Fabricated High Rises 1
Shifted Frames 1
Spatial Aggregations 2
Spatial Aggregations 1
Robotic Clay Molding
The Fragile Structure 2
The Fragile Structure 1
Procedural Landscapes 2
Procedural Landscapes 1
Seminar Week
The Interlocking 2
The Interlocking 1
The Sequential Structure 2
The Sequential Structure 1
Explicit Bricks
The Programmed Column 2
The Programmed Column 1
Open Air Theater
Voxels 2
Voxels 1
The Opening 2
The Opening 1
The Sequential Wall 2
The Sequential Wall 1
The Foam
The Resolution Wall
Construction Hoarding
The Dissolved Wall
Domoterra Lounge
The Perforated Wall 2
The Perforated Wall 1
The Programmed Wall
The Oblique Hole
Finished structure - view from the outside
Finished structure - view from the outside
Finished structure - view from the inside

Finished structure - view from the inside
Assembly of the main structure on site

Assembly of the main structure on site
Assembly of the floor slab

Robotic Pavilion, ETH Zurich, 2016
MAS Programme in Architecture and Digital Fabrication 2015-2016
The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) ETH in Architecture and Digital Fabrication is a one year postgraduate programme dealing with methods and technologies relating to digital design and fabrication and their implementation in architecture and construction. During the academic year 2015/2016, 17 students develop novel design concepts and realise large-scale prototypes using the NCCR Digital Fabrication’s unique robotic fabrication facilities. Complementary courses describe and exemplify how new technologies, materials and processes contribute to an advanced and sustainable construction culture, focusing specifically on timber construction. The programme will culminate into an architectural project executed in 1:1 on which the methods and techniques explored during the year will be synthesised.

For more information:

Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich

Participating research groups: BLOCK Research Group, ETH Zurich, Chair of Sustainable Construction, ETH Zurich
Collaborators: Philipp Eversmann (NCCR Digital Fabrication Head of Education), Luka Piskorec (MAS Teaching Lead), Laszlo Blaser, Micha Ringger, Pascal Ruckstuhl
Students: James Chenault, Shiu Lun Cheung, Jorge Christie Remy-Maillet, José De Carvalho Paixao, Alessandro DellEndice, Larisa Gabor, Matthias Helmreich, Nicholas Hoban, Katrin Hochschuh, Wei Yu Hsiao, Jesús Medina Ibanez, Ioannis Mirtsopoulos, Pietro Odaglia, Federico Salvalaio, Fabio Scotto, Stavroula Tsafou, Anastasia Zaytseva
Support: The MAS programme is supported by the NCCR Digital Fabrication, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Copyright 2024, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gramazio Kohler Research
Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication
ETH Zürich HIB E 43
Stefano-Franscini Platz 1 / CH-8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 49 06
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