The Fragile Structure 1, ETH Zürich, 2011
Elective course (4KP)
During the semester we examined the inherent stabilities of robotic construction processes. Evaluating additive assemblies of discrete elements allowed us to not only draw conclusions on the resulting overall stability but also to consider the assembly equilibrium at each fabrication step. In this way, novel structural and spatial aggregations are designed and fabricated where to a certain extent their materialization is deliberately manipulated and improved through iterative "evolution". The prototypes in model scale were developed in teams using small six-axial robots and custom-built tools.
Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
Collaborators: Luka Piskorec (project lead), Michael Knauss, Dominik Weber, Ralph Bärtschi, Thomas Cadalbert Students: Johan Julius Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Koray Akdag, Susanne Büchi, Pascal Genhart, Patrick Goldener, Benedikt Hengartner, David Jenny, Sylvius Kramer, Beat Lüdi, Dorian McCarthy, Mario Sgier, Fabio Stirnimann, Florence Thonney, Yifei Wang, Tobias Wullschleger
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