Additive design and fabrication processes, ETH Zurich, 2005-2009
PhD Research Project
Acting on the assumption that the use of the computer as a design tool and the adoption of computer controlled machines for manufacturing generates a digital ‘handwerk’, the thesis investigates the interrelation between the shaping of fabrication processes and the architectural design process. Within this digital craft the computer does not only bring about a quantitative change, but also adds novel qualities to architectural elements. Specifically, the use of an industrial robot performing additive processes is examined. Several physical experiments are applied. The goal is to establish a conceptual framework, which represents the development of individual fabrication processes as an integral part of an architectural design.
Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
Collaborators: Tobias Bonwetsch (project lead),
Thesis Supervisor:
Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias Kohler