Acoustic Bricks, ETH Zürich, 2012-2014
Non-standard Acoustic Panel System
The project "Acoustic Bricks" was focusing on the robotic fabrication of an acoustic wall system for office spaces. Two aims were embedded in the research: First, the fundamental implementation of a powerful but so far rarely recognized acoustical phenomenon, sound diffusion, into the making of the proposed walls. Second, the development of a computational design and fabrication framework that would allow the production of individually adaptable walls in an industrial context.
While parameters related to the functionality and materiality of the walls had to be investigated in the first year of the project, the second year could be finished with the successful fabrication of two real scale prototypes.
With the help of these prototypes, the functionality of the developed brick, the so called "Acoustic Brick", including the related assembly process could be demonstrated. Also, the partners of EMPA could validate the assumptions taken in the beginning and proof that the acoustic qualities fullfilled the expectations.
Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
In cooperation with: EMPA: Kurt Eggenschwiler, Dr. Kurt Heutschi Research programme: CTI research project Collaborators: Max Vomhof (project lead), Dr. Ralph Bärtschi, Thomas Cadalbert, Lauren Vasey, Guilherme da Silva Carvalho, Luis Gisler, David Jenny, Clemens Klein Consultancy: Jürgen Strauss Industry partner: REHAU Vertriebs AG
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