5.9. Targets

Moving between targets


Move to position (linear in Tool Space):


  • pose: target pose (pose can also be specified as joint positions, then forward kinematics is used to calculate the corresponding pose)
  • a: tool acceleration [m/s^2]
  • v: tool speed [m/s]
  • t: time [S]
  • r: blend radius [m]

Example command:

movel([0.2,0.3,0.5,0,0,3.14], a=1.2, v=0.25, t=0, r=0)

Example Parameters:

  • pose = p[0.2,0.3,0.5,0,0,3.14] → position in base frame of x = 200 mm, y = 300 mm, z = 500 mm, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 180 deg
  • a = 1.2 → acceleration of 1.2 m/s^2
  • v = 0.25 → velocity of 250 mm/s
  • t = 0 → the time (seconds) to make the move is not specified. If it were specified the command would ignore the a and v values.
  • r = 0 → the blend radius is zero meters


Move to position (linear in joint-space). The t parameter can be used to set the time for this move. Time setting has priority over speed and acceleration settings.


  • q: joint positions (q can also be specified as a pose, then inverse kinematics is used to calculate the corresponding joint positions)
  • a: joint acceleration of leading axis [rad/s^2]
  • v: joint speed of leading axis [rad/s] t: time [S]
  • r: blend radius [m] If a blend radius is set, the robot arm trajectory will be modified to avoid the robot stopping at the point. However, if the blend region of this move overlaps with the blend radius of previous or following waypoints, this move will be skipped, and an ’Overlapping Blends’ warning message will be generated.

Example command:

movej([0,1.57,-1.57,3.14,-1.57,1.57], a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)

Example Parameters:

  • q = [0,1.57,-1.57,3.14,-1.57,1.57] → base is at 0 deg rotation, shoulder is at 90 deg rotation, elbow is at -90 deg rotation, wrist 1 is at 180 deg rotation, wrist 2 is at -90 deg rotation, wrist 3 is at 90 deg rotation. Note: joint positions (q can also be specified as a pose, then inverse kinematics is used to calculate the corresponding joint positions)
  • a = 1.4 → acceleration is 1.4 rad/s/s
  • v = 1.05 → velocity is 1.05 rad/s
  • t = 0 → the time (seconds) to make move is not specified. If it were specified the command would ignore the a and v values.
  • r = 0 → the blend radius is zero meters.