2.1. User Interface

Basic introduction to User Interface

UI (Win)

Rhino divides its screen into different areas:

Title Description
1. Window / Title bar Displays the current model’s file name and file size
2. Menu bar Groups Rhino commands by function
3. Command history window Displays the previous commands
4. Command prompt Use the Command line to type commands, click command options, type coordinates, type distances, angles, or radii, type shortcuts, and view command prompts
5. Tabbed Toolbar Contain graphical icons for initiating commands
6. Viewports Displays the Rhino working environment including object display, viewport title, background, construction plane grid, world axis icon
7. Osnap Toolbar Contains persistent object snap toggles
8. Panels Many Rhino controls are contained in tabbed panels. The panels are docked to the right side of the Rhino screen by default

Knowledge Checks