Academic Platform for Teaching Materials
0. Installation
0.1. Rhino
0.2. Grasshopper
1. Essentials
1.1. Points
1.2. Vectors
1.3. Planes
1.4. Essential Maths
2. Rhino
2.1. User Interface
2.2. Workflow
2.3. NURBS Curves
2.4. NURBS Surfaces
2.5. Mesh Surfaces
3. Grasshopper
3.1. Algorithms and Data Types
3.2. Working in GH
3.3. Basic operations
3.4. NURBS
3.5. Data Structure
3.6. Vectors, Planes and Transformations
3.7. Mesh
4. GH-Python
4.1. GH-Python
4.2. Python Basics
4.3. OOP
4.4. RhinoScriptSyntax
4.5. RhinoCommon
4.6. Modules and libraries
5. Robot Control
5.1. Network
5.2. Tools
5.3. I/O
5.4. Absolute vs Relative
5.5. Speed and acceleration
5.6. Commands
5.7. Rotations
5.8. Motion and Rotation
5.9. Targets
5.10. Axes
5.11. Robot Singularities
Grasshopper (Win)
Grasshopper (Mac)
0.2. Grasshopper
Grasshopper in Rhino
Grasshopper (Win)
GH for Rhino 7.0
Included in Rhino.
Grasshopper (Mac)
GH for Rhino 7.0
Included in Rhino.