Gramazio Kohler Research
Open Positions
Fabio Gramazio
Matthias Kohler
Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström
Amini-Aghdam Amir-Ali
Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska
Inés Ariza
Benhur Baiju
Davide Baret
David Bergmann
Raphael Beutler
Yanis Bienz
Marco Brönimann
Oliver Bucklin
Lancelot Burwell
Elias Böhnlein
Gonzalo Casas
Kunaljit Chadha
Pierre Chassagne
Chao Chia-Hsuan
Carlotta Daro
Selen Ercan Jenny
Tanja Fehr
Jonas Furrer
Alessandra Gabaglio
Eric Gozzi
Jonas Haldemann
Halima Hassan
Matthias Helmreich
Maxime Huysman
Ananya Kango
Chen Kasirer
Aikaterini Katsarou
Diego Ruben Machain Rivera
Ivan Malkov
Francesco Milano
Alexandra Moisi
Giacomo Montiani
Nicolas Müllejans
Jonas Oberholzer
Panayiotis Papacharalambous
Inés Rouane
Sarah Schneider
Fabio Scotto
Ilja Silvan Senn
Gereon Siévi
Neroli Soso
Eliott Sounigo
Anastasiia Stryzhevska
Elina Stähli
Ruben Arthur Tagmann
Joana Francisco Tomaz
Cedric Trees
Lauren Vasey
Lorin Wiedemeier
Shiqi Xu
Achilleas Xydis
Matteo Zivadinovic
Jesus Medina studied Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture ETSAS, Spain and received a grant to study at HTWG Konstanz and ETSAM Madrid. In 2011, he was ARQUIA Foundation fellow at Abalos+Sentkiewicz in Madrid. After completing his studies and acquiring professional experience working in Switzerland, his great interest in Digital Fabrication as well as Computational Design motivated him to do a MAS in Architecture and Digital Fabrication at ETH Zurich developing the world’s first doubly Story Wooden Pavilion which was robotically fabricated. Afterwards he worked as Research Assistant at the Chair of Digital Building Technologies (DBT) focussing on Additive Manufacturing for Integrative building components. Currently he collaborates with the Museum of Digital Art in Zurich (MuDA). Since 2017, he has been a researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication – Gramazio Kohler Research. He teaches foundational courses on computational design and robotic fabrication as well as design studios.

Projects & Research

Clay Rotunda
Rock Print Pavilion
Jammed Architectural Structures
Exhibition at Villa Bernasconi
DFAB House
Robotic Pavilion, Botanical Garden
Robotic Pavilion


Coding Architecture II
Coding Architecture I
Computational Design III-IV HS23/FS24
Computational Design III-IV HS22/FS23
The Digital in Architecture II HS22
The Digital in Architecture I FS22
Seminar Week FS22 - New Ways of Worldmaking IV
The Digital in Architecture II HS21
The Digital in Architecture I FS21
The Digital in Architecture II HS20
The Digital in Architecture I FS20
Robotic Landscapes III HS19
Robotic Landscapes II HS18
MAS DFAB: Up Sticks
The Digital in Architecture II HS19
The Digital in Architecture I FS19
The Digital in Architecture II HS18
The Digital in Architecture I FS18
Norman Foster Foundation: Zero-Waste Geometry Workshop
MAS DFAB: Minijammed


Copyright 2024, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gramazio Kohler Research
Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication
ETH Zürich HIB E 43
Stefano-Franscini Platz 1 / CH-8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 49 06
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