Ammar Mirjan is an architect and a researcher with a background in automation engineering. He received a B.A. degree in Architecture from the Bern University of Applied Sciences and a M.Arch. degree from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. He has worked for architectural offices in New York, Tokyo and London. His particular interest in the relationship between designing and making with robotic systems motivated him to join the professorship of Architecture and Digital Fabrication (Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias Kohler) at ETH Zurich in 2011. Between 2013 and 2016 he led the research project Aerial Construction and completed his PhD on architectural fabrication processes with flying robots in 2016. His articles have been published in AD, GAM, Springer, gta Verlag and MIT Press, and he has been engaged in various exhibition and installation projects. More recently, Ammar Mirjan focuses on various teaching and research activities at Gramazio Kohler Research and at the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. He leads a research group that examines multi-robotic assembly processes and their implication on the architectural design.