Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Petrus, Ammar Mirjan, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Schendy Kernizan, Björn Sparrman, Jared Laucks, Skylar Tibbits. "Granular Jamming of Loadbearing and Reversible Structures, Rock Print and Rock Wall." Architectural Design 04 / Vol 87, Autonomous Assembly (2017): 82–87. Link
series = {Architectural design},
volume = {87},
author = {Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Petrus and Mirjan, Ammar and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias and Kernizan, Schendy and Sparrman, Björn and Laucks, Jared and Tibbits, Skylar},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
number = {4},
doi = {10.1002/ad.2199},
adress = {San Francisco, CA},
title = {Granular Jamming of Loadbearing and Reversible Structures: Rock Print and Rock Wall},
PAGES = {82 - 87}
} [close] BibTeX
Gramazio, Fabio, Matthias Kohler, Hannes Mayer. "Disarmed Strategies. New Machines and Techniques for an Era of Computational Contextualism in Architecture." Architectural Design 04 / Vol 87, Autonomous Assembly (2017): 110–119. Link
edition = {Volume 87, Issue 4, July/August 2017},
series = {Architectural design},
volume = {87},
author = {Mayer, Hannes and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {2017-07},
language = {en},
number = {4},
booktitle = {Architectural Design},
doi = {10.1002/ad.2203},
adress = {Bognor Regis},
isbn = {978-1-119-10235-953995},
title = {Disarmed Strategies: New Machines and Techniques for an Era of Computational Contextualism in Architecture},
PAGES = {110 - 119}
} [close] BibTeX
Giftthaler, Markus, Timothy Sandy, Kathrin Dörfler, Ian Brooks, Mark Buckingham, Gonzalo Rey, Matthias Kohler, Fabio Gramazio, Jonas Buchli. "Mobile robotic fabrication at 1:1 scale: the In situ Fabricator.." In Construction Robotics, Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer Nature, 2017. Link
series = {Construction Robotics},
volume = {1},
author = {Giftthaler, Markus and Sandy, Timothy and Dörfler, Kathrin and Brooks, Ian and Buckingham, Mark and Rey, Gonzalo and Kohler, Matthias and Gramazio, Fabio and Buchli, Jonas},
publisher = {Springer Nature},
year = {2017-12},
language = {en},
keywords = {Construction robotics; Digital fabrication; Mobile manipulation; In situ fabrication},
number = {1-4},
doi = {10.1007/s41693-017-0003-5},
adress = {Cham},
title = {Mobile robotic fabrication at 1:1 scale: the In situ Fabricator},
PAGES = {3 - 14}
} [close] BibTeX
Kohlhammer, Thomas, Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler. "Design and structural analysis of complex timber structures with glued T-joint connections for robotic assembly." International Journal of Space Structures 32(3-4), (2017): 199–215. Link
series = {International Journal of Space Structures},
volume = {32},
author = {Kohlhammer, Thomas and Apolinarska, Aleksandra Anna and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {Sage},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
abbrev_source_title = {Space struct.},
keywords = {computational design; evaluation of structures; parametric static analysis; Reciprocal Frames; robotic fabrication; timber structures},
issn = {0266-3511},
institution = {SNF and SNF and SNF},
number = {3-4},
doi = {10.1177/0266351117746268},
address = {London},
title = {Design and structural analysis of complex timber structures with glued T-joint connections for robotic assembly},
PAGES = {199 - 215}
} [close] BibTeX
Kumar, Nitish, Norman Hack, Kathrin Doerfler, Alexander Nikolas Walzer, Gonzalo Javier Rey, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Jonas Buchli. "Design, development and experimental assessment of a robotic end-effector for non-standard concrete applications." In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1707–1713. Singapore: IEEE, 2017. Link
author = {Kumar, Nitish and Hack, Norman and Doerfler, Kathrin and Walzer, Alexander Nikolas and Rey, Gonzalo Javier and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias and Buchli, Jonas},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2017-05},
language = {en},
keywords = {Robotics; Mechatronics; Architecture; Construction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
doi = {10.1109/icra.2017.7989201},
adress = {Piscataway, NJ},
isbn = {978-1-5090-4633-1},
title = {Design, development and experimental assessment of a robotic end-effector for non-standard concrete applications},
PAGES = {1707 - 1713},
Note = {International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017); Conference Location: Singapore; Conference Date: May 29 - June 3, 2017}
} [close] BibTeX
Furrer, Fadri, Martin Wermelinger, Hironori Yoshida, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Roland Siegwart, Marco Hutter. "Autonomous robotic stone stacking with online next best object target pose planning." In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2350–2356. Singapore: IEEE, 2017. Link
author = {Furrer, Fadri and Wermelinger, Martin and Yoshida, Hironori and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias and Siegwart, Roland and Hutter, Marco},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
copyright = {In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted},
size = {7 p.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
doi = {10.3929/ethz-a-010870003},
adress = {Piscataway, NJ},
isbn = {978-1-5090-4633-1},
title = {Autonomous robotic stone stacking with online next best object target pose planning},
PAGES = {2350 - 2356},
Note = {International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017); Conference Location: Singapore; Conference Date: May 29 - June 3, 2017}
} [close] BibTeX
Hack, Norman, Timothy Wangler, Jaime Mata-Falcon, Kathrin Dörfler, Nitish Kumar, Alexander Nikolas Walzer, Konrad Graser, Lex Reiter, Heinz Richner, Jonas Buchli, Walter Kaufmann, Robert J. Flatt, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler. "Mesh Mould: An on Site, Robotically Fabricated, Functional Formwork." Second Concrete Innovation Conference (2nd CIC), Paper no. 19. Tromsø, Norway: 2017. Link
author = {Hack, Norman and Wangler, Timothy and Mata-Falcón, Jaime and Dörfler, Kathrin and Kumar, Nitish and Walzer, Alexander N. and Graser, Konrad and Reiter, Lex and Richner, Heinz and Buchli, Jonas and Kaufmann, Walter and Flatt, Robert J. and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
year = {2017-03},
language = {en},
keywords = {Robotic fabrication; Functional formwork; Digital concrete; Concrete reinforcement; 3D printing},
size = {11 p.},
title = {Mesh Mould: An On Site, Robotically Fabricated, Functional Formwork},
Note = {Second Concrete Innovation Conference (2nd CIC); Conference Location: Tromsø, Norway; Conference Date: March 6-8, 2017; Presented on March 7, 2017. Conference paper only available online.}
} [close] BibTeX
Fritschi, Ena Lloret, Lex Reiter, Timothy Wangler, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Robert J. Flatt. "Smart Dynamic Casting: Slipforming with Flexible Formwork - Inline Measurement and Control." Second Concrete Innovation Conference (2nd CIC), Paper no. 27. Tromsø, Norway: 2017. Link
author = {Lloret Fritschi, Ena and Reiter, Lex and Wangler, Timothy and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias and Flatt, Robert J},
publisher = {Norwegian Concrete Association},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
copyright = {In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted},
keywords = {Digital Concrete; Architecture; Non-standard; Flexible formwork; Inline control system; Automated continuous production system; Concrete; Digital fabrication},
size = {11 p.},
booktitle = {HPC/CIC Tromsø 2017},
adress = {Oslo},
DOI = {10.3929/ethz-b-000219663},
title = {Smart Dynamic Casting. Slipforming with Flexible Formwork - Inline Measurement and Control},
PAGES = {Paper no. 27},
Note = {HPC/CIC Tromsø 2017. Eleventh High Performance Concrete (11th HPC) and the Second Concrete Innovation Conference (2nd CIC); Conference Location: Tromsø, Norway; Conference Date: March 6-8, 2017}
} [close] BibTeX
Helm, Volker, Michael Knauss, Thomas Kohlhammer, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler. "Additive robotic fabrication of complex timber structures." In Advancing Wood Architecture: A computational approach, Achim Menges, Tobias Schwinn, Oliver David Krieg, 29–43. New York: Routledge, 2017. Link
editor = {Menges, Achim and Schwinn, Tobias and Krieg, Oliver D.},
author = {Helm, Volker and Knauss, Michael and Kohlhammer, Thomas and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {Routledge},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Advancing Wood Architecture: A Computational Approach},
adress = {London},
isbn = {978-1-138-93299-9},
title = {Additive robotic fabrication of complex timber structures},
PAGES = {29 - 43}
} [close] BibTeX
Parascho, Stefana, Augusto Gandia, Ammar Mirjan, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler. "Cooperative Fabrication of Spatial Metal Structures." In Fabricate 2017, Achim Menges, Bob Sheil, Ruairi Glynn, Marilena Skavara, 24–29. London: UCL Press, 2017. Link
editor = {Menges, Achim and Sheil, Bob and Glynn, Ruairi and Skavara, Marilena},
author = {Parascho, Stefana and Gandia, Augusto and Mirjan, Ammar and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {UCL Press},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International},
booktitle = {Fabricate 2017},
adress = {London},
DOI = {10.3929/ethz-b-000219566},
title = {Cooperative Fabrication of Spatial Metal Structures},
PAGES = {24 - 29},
Note = {Fabricate 2017; Conference Location: Stuttgart, Germany; Conference Date: April 6-8, 2017}
} [close] BibTeX
Robeller, Christopher, Volker Helm, Andreas Thoma, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Yves Weinland. "Robotic Integral Attachement." In Fabricate 2017, Achim Menges, Bob Sheil, Ruairi Glynn, Marilena Skavara, 92–97. London: UCL Press, 2017. Link
editor = {Menges, Achim and Sheil, Bob and Glynn, Ruairi and Skavara, Marilena},
volume = {3},
author = {Robeller, Christopher and Weinand, Yves and Helm, Volker and Thoma, Andreas and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {UCL Press},
year = {2017-04},
language = {en},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International},
size = {3 p. published version; 11 p. accepted version},
booktitle = {Fabricate 17. Rethinking Design and Construction},
adress = {London},
isbn = {978?1?78735?001?4},
DOI = {10.3929/ethz-b-000229209},
title = {Robotic Integral Attachment},
PAGES = {92 - 97},
Note = {Fabricate 2017; Conference Location: Stuttgart, Germany; Conference Date: April 6-8, 2017}
} [close] BibTeX
Wangler, Timothy, Ena Lloret, Lex Reiter, Norman Hack, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Mathias Bernhard, Benjamin Dillenburger, Jonas Buchli, Nicolas Roussel, Robert Flatt. "Digital Concrete: Opportunities and Challenges." RILEM Technical Letters 1(1), (2017): 67–75. Link
series = {RILEM Technical Letters},
volume = {1},
author = {Wangler, Timothy and Lloret, Ena and Reiter, Lex and Hack, Norman and Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias and Bernhard, Mathias and Dillenburger, Benjamin and Buchli, Jonas and Roussel, Nicolas and Flatt, Robert},
publisher = {RILEM},
year = {2017},
language = {en},
keywords = {Concrete; Digital Fabrication; Rheology; Set on Demand; Thixotropy},
issn = {2518 -0231},
number = {1},
doi = {10.21809/rilemtechlett.2016.16},
adress = {S.l.},
title = {Digital Concrete: Opportunities and Challenges},
PAGES = {67 - 75}
} [close] BibTeX
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