Kohler, Matthias, Fabio Gramazio und Jan Willmann. "Die Operationalität von Daten und Material im digitalen Zeitalter." In Positionen zur Zukunft des Bauens. Methoden, Ziele, Ausblicke, herausgegeben von DETAIL, Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, 6–19. München: DETAIL, 2011. Link
editor = {Hofmeister, Sandra and et al.},
series = {Detail research, building the future},
author = {Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias and Willmann, J.},
publisher = {Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation},
year = {2011},
language = {de},
booktitle = {Positionen zur Zukunft des Bauens : Methoden, Ziele, Ausblicke},
adress = {München},
isbn = {978-3-920034-56-0},
title = {Die Operationalität von Daten und Material im digitalen Zeitalter},
PAGES = {6 - 19},
Note = {.}
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Gramazio, Fabio, and Matthias Kohler. "Digital Materiality." In Performalism: Form and Performance in Digital Architecture, edited by Yasha J. Grobman and Eran Neuman, 160–169. New York: Routledge, 2011. Link
editor = {Grobman, Yasha and Neuman, Eran},
author = {Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {London : Routledge},
year = {2012},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Performalism : Form and Performance in Digital Architecture},
isbn = {978-0-415-58360-2},
title = {Digital Materiality},
PAGES = {160 - 169}
} [close] BibTeX
Gramazio, Fabio, and Matthias Kohler. "Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication." In Yearbook 2011, edited by Department of Architecture at ETH Zürich, 174–177. Zürich: gta Verlag, 2011. PDF
Gramazio, Fabio, Matthias Kohler. "Gramazio & Kohler." a+u: Architecture and Urbanism 484, Feature: Swiss Sounds: Architecture in Switzerland 2000 - 2009 (2011): 23, 42–43, 194–197. Link
series = {a+u: Architecture and Urbanism},
author = {Gramazio, Fabio and Kohler, Matthias},
publisher = {A+U Publ.Co.},
year = {2011},
language = {en},
abbrev_source_title = {A + U},
issn = {0389-9160},
number = {484},
booktitle = {Feature: Swiss Sounds: Architecture in Switzerland 2000 - 2009},
adress = {Tokyo},
title = {Gramazio & Kohler. Emerging practices},
PAGES = {142 - 143},
Note = {.}
} [close] BibTeX
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