
Lecture |
02.12.2011 |
Gramazio & Kohler
Centre Pompidou. Paris. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler, Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
01.12.2011 |
In Situ Fabrikation
Lab 3 – Laboratory for Experimental Computer Science. Academy of Media Arts Cologne . Lecturer: Volker Helm. |

Lecture |
30.11.2011 |
Digitalization takes Command?
Symposium Computational Politics and Architecture: From the Digital Philosophy to the End of Work. Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture. Paris-Malaquais. Lecturer: Jan Willmann. |
Since the 1990s we are witnessing an unprecedented rise of digital technologies in architecture. Yet, it is still not clear what impact this has on a discipline that stands for the idea of construction and presence, a discipline that stands for the real and material world. This lecture will consider the digital border crossing between the virtual and the material and discuss the hegemony of algorithmic calculus as well as the avatars of digital fabrication in architecture. Further, it will address seminal sources and contexts, influences and legacies.

Lecture |
25.11.2011 |
Gramazio & Kohler
Digital Crafting Symposium. Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
03.11.2011 |
Gramazio & Kohler
Brick Day. Material Inspiration Centre. Amsterdam. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Workshop - Lecture |
24.10.2011 |
Open Thesis Fabrication programme
Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. Barcelona. Lecturer: Michael Knauss. |

Lecture |
16.09.2011 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
150-Jahr-Feier. Schilliger Holz AG. Küssnacht am Rigi. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture - Symposium |
09.09.2011-10.09.2011 |
Tailoring Fabrication Processes
“Digital Fabrication – a State of Art” Symposium. ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. Lissabon. Lecturer: Tobias Bonwetsch. |

Lecture |
22.07.2011 |
Tailoring Manufacturing Processes
Mass Re-Clad Workshop. Politecnico di Milano. Milano. Lecturer: Michael Knauss. |

Lecture |
25.05.2011 |
When Reality Matters: Architecture between Digital Design and Fabrication
Vortragsreihe Baukunst - 'digital und analog – 2 x 2 werkberichte'. Hochschule für Bildende Künste. Dresden. Lecturer: Jan Willmann. |

Lecture |
19.05.2011 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Symposium on High Performance Craft. The University of Washington, Department of Architecture . University of Washington’s Architecture Hall, Seattle. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
17.05.2011 |
Designing Processes
Digital Transformations Seminar. Welsh School of Architecture (Cardiff University). Cardiff. Lecturer: Michael Knauss. |

Lecture |
10.05.2011 |
Gramazio & Kohler
Departementsvortrag in der Reihe Bauten/bauen. ETH Zürich, Departement Architektur. ETH Hönggerberg, HIL, Auditorium E4. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler, Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
02.05.2011 |
Catching Architecture's Breath
Studio Zaha Hadid. Die Angewandte. Wien. Lecturer: Jan Willmann. |

Lecture |
19.04.2011 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Vortragsreihe Studenteninitiative Horizonte. Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture - Exhibition |
14.04.2011-16.04.2011 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Fabricate 2011. Bartlett School of Architecture Gallery. Wates House, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
The Professorship Gramazio & Kohler takes part in this year’s Fabricate2011. A new mobile robot unit addresses adaptive building methods and cognitive fabrication skills and will be exhibited for the first time. This is framed by a keynote of Prof. Matthias Kohler in the scope of the panel „Machines and The Bespoke”.

Lecture |
23.03.2011 |
Parametric Design: Individuelle und digitale Vorproduktion
PropertyCom Congress. Uvision GmbH. GDI - Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut, Rüschlikon, Zürich. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
04.03.2011 |
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture
Bironz. ETH Zürich, Bio-Inspired Robotics Laboratory. ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude HG D 7.2, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich. Lecturer: Volker Helm. |

Lecture |
24.02.2011 |
Explicit Brick
Disseny Hub Barcelona. Barcelona. Lecturer: Andrea Kondziela. |

Lecture - Guest expert |
11.02.2011-12.02.2011 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Lecture and Guest Expert. The Kyoto Institute of Technology. Miyako Messe, Japan. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
Lecture |
18.01.2011 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Bau 2011 München. Detail Research. München. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |