
Vortrag |
14.12.2017 |
Digitale Materialität
Neue Werkstoffe - Additive Manufacturing. TU München. Vorhoelzer Forum . Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |
For further information please click on the image

Vortrag |
30.11.2017 |
Smart Dynamic Casting
Neue Werkstoffe - Additive Manufacturing. TU München. Vorhoelzer Forum . Vortragende: Ena Lloret-Fritschi. |
Projekte: SDC_Prefab_Nest |

Vortrag |
28.11.2017 |
Interdisciplinary Research for Innovation in Architecture and Construction
Captain of Industry Luncheon Talk. Gammon. The Excelsior Hong Kong. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
22.11.2017 |
The Robotic Touch
Norman Foster Foundation | Public Lectures | Espacio Fundación Telefónica | 28004 Madrid. 18.00 Lecture by Matthias Kohler. 19.00 Matthias Kohler in conversation with Amelie Klein (Curator, Vitra Design Museum). |

Vortrag |
17.11.2017 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
GCD4—Symposium on Geometry and Computational Design. TU Wien - Kuppelsaal. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |
For further information click on the picture

Vortrag |
15.11.2017 |
Towards a Digital Building Culture in Architecture
World Architecture Festival 2017. 15 - 17 November 2017, Arena Berlin. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |
For further information click on the picture

Vortrag |
15.11.2017 |
Mesh Mould: A digital fabrication method to produce material-efficient concrete structures without formwork
24th International IFF Conference - Science Days - Concrete Performance. Weimar. Vortragende: Alexander Nikolas Walzer. |
Projekte: IFMM_NEST |

Vortrag |
10.11.2017 |
Collaborative Robotic Spatial Timber Assembly
TxA Emerging Design + Technology. Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, USA. Vortragende: Arash Adel. |

Vortrag |
03.11.2017 |
«Vorhang auf» - Der Event für Architekten, Planer Baugenossenschaften, Institutionelle Anleger
Eternit Schweiz AG. Mall of Switzerland in Ebikon-Luzern. Vortragende: Romana Rust, David Jenny. |
For further information click on the picture

Vortrag |
02.11.2017 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
Conferenze di Novembre 2017. Politecnico di Milano, Aula Magna, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, Milano. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |
Click on the picture for further information

Vortrag |
27.10.2017 |
DFAB HOUSE - Work in Progress
Designing Material Innovation. Exhibition and Symposium at California College of the Arts. San Francisco. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |
SYMPOSIUM: OCTOBER 26 - 27, 2017
Projekte: IFMM_NEST |

Vortrag |
21.09.2017 |
Towards a new mode of architectural production
Future Cities / Transactions. Future Cities Laboratory (FCL). Siemens Auditorium HIT E51, ETH Hönggerberg Campus, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27, 8093 Zürich. Vortragende: Arash Adel. |

Vortrag |
14.09.2017 |
Vortrag Gruner
Gruner AG. Basel. Vortragende: Hannes Mayer. |

Vortrag |
09.09.2017-10.09.2017 |
Soft Particle Aggregation
Maker Faire Zürich. Dynamo Zürich . Vortragende: David Jenny, Hakim Hasan . |
MAS DFAB präsentiert einen Lehm schiessenden Roboterprozess an der Maker Faire im Dynamo.
“(Un)Predictable Materials“, ein Vortrag von David Jenny und Hakim Hasan am Samstag 09.09., 14h30.
Projekte: MAS_2016-17_T3 |

Vortrag |
04.09.2017 |
The Robotic Touch
Citta della Scienza. Neapel. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
16.07.2017 |
Gramazio Kohler Finissage & Rock Print Talk
Museum of Digital Art. Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich. Vortragende: Andreas Thoma, Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström. |

Vortrag |
22.06.2017 |
Wie verändern neue Instrumente das Entwerfen und das Bauen
17904 - Architekturgespräche. Haus der Architekten, Danneckerstrasse 54, 70182 Stuttgart . Vortragende: Hannes Mayer. |

Vortrag |
21.06.2017 |
Gramazio Kohler. MuDA. Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich. Vortragende: Adam Donovan. |
Projekte: MUDA |

Vortrag |
12.06.2017 |
From Paradigm to Practice: Towards a Digital Building Culture
Symposium on Computational Fabrication. ACM SIGGRAPH. MIT Ray and Maria Stata Center (Building 32), 32 Vassar Street, Room: 32-123 Cambridge, MA 02139. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
01.06.2017 |
From Paradigm To Practice: Towards a Digital Building Culture
Forum - Future is Now. Norman Foster Foundation. Teatro Real, Madrid. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
13.05.2017 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
International Symposium: Mass Customization and Design Democratization. Penn State Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Philadelphia, USA. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
09.05.2017 |
Architektur und Visionen
Architektur Dialoge - Plattform für Baukultur. Druckereihalle Ackermannshof, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 19/21, Basel. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
27.04.2017 |
Digital Fabrication - The Future of Architecture and Manufacturing
NEO Keynote. NEO Network. ETH Zentrum, HG D 1.2. Vortragende: Russell Loveridge und Hannes Mayer. |

Vortrag |
21.04.2017 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
Craftsmanship in the Digital Age - Architecture, Values and Digital Fabrication. ANCB - The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory. ANCB, Christinenstrasse 18-19, 10119 Berlin. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
10.04.2017 |
Architecture of Bespoke Robotic Timber Prefabrication
Speculations, Rules, Experiments. Practices and Concepts in Construction. Transdisciplinary Research Colloquium. Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich. Werner Oechslin Library Foundation, Luegeten 11, Einsiedeln. Vortragende: Arash Adel. |

Vortrag |
18.03.2017 |
"Imprimer le monde" - Vertigo Symposium with the IRCAM
Centre Pompidou, Paris. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
10.03.2017 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
Matter Design Computation - The Art of Building from Nano to Macro. University of Cornell. Ithaca, USA. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
06.03.2017-08.03.2017 |
Smart Dynamic Casting Slipforming with Flexible Formwork - inline measurement and control
HPC/CIC Tromsø 2017. Eleventh High Performance concrete and Second Concrete Innovation Conference. Norwegian Concrete Association and Tekna. Vortragende: Ena Lloret Fritschi. |

Vortrag |
20.01.2017 |
Towards Computational Contextualism
Strategic Partnership Symposium on Science, Design, Manufacturing, and Information. The University of Tokyo. Chemistry Auditorium, Chemistry Main Building, School of Science. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
11.01.2017 |
The Making of the Sequential Roof, ETH Zurich
Building Construction Lecture Series. University of Applied Arts Vienna. Stubenring 3, 1010 Vienna, Seminarraum 3, Top Floor. Vortragende: Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska. |