
Exhibition |
01.12.2011-26.02.2012 |
Flight Assembled Architecture
FRAC Centre Orléans. 12 rue de la Tour Neuve, 45000 Orléans, France. |
The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication cordially invites to its exhibition "Flight Assembled Architecture", the first architectural installation to be built dynamically by flying machines. Developed togehter with Raffaello D’Andrea, a revolutionary assembly apparatus will be shown, addressing radical new ways of thinking and materializing architecture based on cutting-edge innovation and rigorous spatial and structural articulations.
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Exhibition |
26.08.2011-28.08.2011 |
Scientifica - Zürcher Wissenschaftstage. University of Zurich / ETH Zurich. Main Buildings, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich. |
The Professorship Gramazio & Kohler Architecture and Digital Fabrication takes part in this year’s Scientifica and will present the EU-research project In-Situ Robotic Fabrication (dimRob), addressing cognitive robotic fabrication methods and its use on the construction site.
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Lecture - Exhibition |
14.04.2011-16.04.2011 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Fabricate 2011. Bartlett School of Architecture Gallery. Wates House, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
The Professorship Gramazio & Kohler takes part in this year’s Fabricate2011. A new mobile robot unit addresses adaptive building methods and cognitive fabrication skills and will be exhibited for the first time. This is framed by a keynote of Prof. Matthias Kohler in the scope of the panel „Machines and The Bespoke”.
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